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Child Destiny Foundation


Hi! We, Manuela and Claudia are sisters from Vienna and manage the Austrian association to support the Child Destiny Foundation. The Child Destiny Foundation is a Kenyan NGO for kids with disabilities and their families, situated in Kibera Slum. Our foundation runs a daycare for 20 kids with disabilities and offers therapy, healthy meals and a place to socialize at no cost. 20 further kids attend our therapy services also free from charge. The Child Destiny Foundation was founded by affected parents with a strong vision to change the lifes of kids with disabilities in Kenya. Glorine Awour, one of our founders, once said: "We all have passion for those kids." and that is what describes us best. Our project managers in Kenya and the whole team in Austria work very committed on a voluntary basis. The therapists and caretakers on the other hand are paid fairly. We are a young and dynamic team, always striving for improvement and doing our best to use the donations entrusted to us wisely.


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